Narrow Band FM 6 KHz width


Total Band width of FM   = 2 x ( Deviation + maxium modulated frequency ) , so 1.5kHz deviation with 1.3 kHz maimum modulated audio frequency should make FM about 5.6 kHz wide.

from normal Ham radio audio ( 300 Hz to 3KHz ), band pass with  1kHz to 2kHz filter,   most of audio information are in this frequency range. 

( audio .wav files link -> )    300 Hz to 3Khz audio sound ( original )      -->    ( band pass filtered ) 1kHz to 2kHz audio sound    


transpose  ( pitch change )  that ( 1kHz to 2kHz ) audio to ( 300Hz to 1300 Hz )

( audio .wav files link -> )    transposed / frequency shifted audio sound ( 300 Hz - 1300 Hz )   ( it sort of sound like off tuned SSB signal ) , because it is same principle as off tuned SSB.   


transmit it using +/- 1.5kHz deviation FM,   below 300Hz is for CTCSS and DCS

at receiver end , reconstract ( transpose ) back ( 300Hz  - 1300Hz ) audio to ( 1000Hz - 2000Hz )

( audio .wav files link -> )     transpose up ( reconstructed sound  ) back to 1kHz - 2kHz.


below is daigram  of  above explanation.



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