straight KEY memory
this device memorized key stroke of straight key or bug key, and replay once or replay continuously.
it has isolated output to key TX ( look at schematics for detail ).
Pictures are example of completed units.
Video demo of CW-001 ( youtube link )
Schematics --> CW-001-PCB--2011-05-09-1-schematic.pdf
PCB parts location --> CW-001-PCB--2011-05-09-1.pdf
MPLAB v8.90 --> cw-001-firmware-MPLAB-v8.90-with-free-version-of-HITECH-lite-C-compiler--NOT-mplab-X.7z ( file compiled with Microchip MPLAB v8.90 with free version of HITECH lite C compiler, PIC-16 ) , not for MPLAB-X
MAPLAB-X source code CW-001--2022-09-10-1--MPLAB-X--source-code.7z
PARTS LISTS with Digikey # ( open office spread sheet .ods file )
DRILL to drill plastic BOX LINK Plastics 1/4 inch drill ( Product #: 1106004 ) worked for me, can use other size. Plastic Drill drill through plastic case smoothly.
template for drilling holes if pdf file is printed on 8.5 inch x 11 inch paper, it is actual size.
PCB Gerber and Drill Files ( RS274X format ) TOP PCB PANEL BOTTOM PCB ( if you like to make own PC Board )
recommended KEY
KENT Engineers Straight KEY -->