Subaru Forester  2014  2.5i  PZEV ( California ) ,  with CVT   FB25 engine.

[ this is just for reference ONLY.  showing what I have done to 2014 Forester.  NOT intended for instruction on how to repair it or maintaining it.  I believe it is missing many details and steps to be used as Instruction.]


Engine OIL change.  FB25 engine.  it take 1 hour to do this work.

I have installed FUMOTO valve, so it is easier to drain oil.



engine OIL filter and engine OIL fill are on TOP of engine.


my co-worker told me, I should put Magnet on Engine OIL filter, so it catches Metal Particle. so I am trying.


Engine OIL on FB25 engine, took 5.5 quarts to fill.





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