[ this is just for reference ONLY. showing what I have done to 2014 Forester. NOT intended for instruction on how to repair it or maintaining it. I believe it is missing many details and steps to be used as Instruction.]
I used something like this to connect to turn signal wire.
Which connect Orange Turn Signal Wire to added LED tire Well Turn Signal
It attach two
wire together by crimping.
I attached turn signal wire to Red and Black wire
I inserted "resettable fuse"
on Positive side of wire, just in case it short circuit.
Black heat shrink tune, inside
there is resettable fuse of 0.2 A
RED and Green wire is (+) of
turn signal,
Black and
White Wire is Gnd (-) of turn signal wire in car.
Top connector is Turn Signal,
bottom one is for Side Marker
This Amber LED strip came from ebay.
5 meter long strip about $20
You can cut it at CUT mark to certain length,
to make numbers of pieces.
It has adhesive on
other side.
Tire well on Forester 2014, is plastic, it bend
I just push it a
little bit, wire squeezed through.
I tied Wire Hanger
and Red and Black Wire with tape. And guide through to help me put a Red and Black wire
through to Tire Well.
Video of Turn Signal in Tire Well